27 сентября, 2009

Hongshang village, Wuhan, China

Photo by Wang Haofeng

See here for the report and more photos.

2 комментария:

  1. Hi, I'm journalist for the Website the Observers.france24.com. This picture was taken in Sydney and it corresponds to this post : http://observers.france24.com/fr/content/20090924-voile-rouge-est-australie-tempete-sable-sydney-desert-poussiere.
    It's the dust storm that was in Sydney last week .
    You found it on the Wuhan post, but it was an error in the loading of the pictures.
    Sorry for that.
    Best regards,

    Ségolène Team Observers

  2. Hi, Segolene,
    Are you sure? Look at those children and people on other shots! Do you really think they are indigenous australians? :) I think there is no any mistake, it's China.

